2k+ Clients Chose Cutecutepet to Source & Customize Product

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We can do more than Alibaba
We are not only have our own factory but also we can get lower product quotes from our factory partners than Alibaba suppliers. And we also encourage our clients to make price comparisons to ensure they get a competitive quote from us.
- Compared with other companies, we provide two years after-sales service, all after-sales we can handle instead of customers to save time cost.
We rate or reimburse all services such as: selection, prototyping, customization, production, delivery, etc.
All orders we support are eligible for free returns within one year to ensure that our partners are not at risk of hoarding!
All SVIP customers who become cutecutepet are entitled to an annual general agent discount policy!
We will assign one specific agent for you in the sourcing process. He/She can help you solve every problem during the sourcing, production, inspection, and shipping.
Annually, we introduce 10-20 new designs, backed by a strong R&D team. This ensures that our B2B clients, regardless of size, have access to the latest products to stay competitive in the market.
We check a higher percentage of products than third-party inspection companies for free. In addition, we’re the only sourcing company that offers a full review to reduce the defect rate to 0.
Whether you’re new to importing products from China or not, we’re glad to help you throughout the whole process from sourcing products to shipping them to your door
We provide tiered pricing and volume discounts to reward and support our larger B2B partners, making larger orders more economically advantageous.
Honestly, the price is one of the reasons, but we all know that there is no lowest price in the market, only a lower price until this product disappears from the market.
They chose us for a number of reasons, including
1. reasonable price, because everyone needs profit to support operations
2. quality, we quality assure every single product to make sure that after the customer purchases it, the store or brand will not be affected because of the quality issue
3. trust, although we offer free returns within a year, basically no customers use this policy, we also introduced this policy because we have enough confidence in our products and services.

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